I will start with that for the last week I have been plotting out the rest of The Price of Coffee after getting the beginning to where I think it is good for a ruff draft. I have done a few different starts for Chapter 5 over the week as well and I have chosen the one that I feel is going in the direction of the plot that I have planned. As well, I have been doing some looking into different scripture for the book to give it some more staying power with the plot.
For The Fog of Time I am getting close to going to the publisher and then that book will be out of my hands and in the final stage of production. This is a good thing and I already have the idea for the next An Individual's Innocence book.
Once I have The Price of Coffee to the editor for the first look, I will be starting Shadows and Dust again which is the next An Individual's Innocence book. Until then I need to focus on The Price of Coffee and get that done.
Other than that, I have a full week of writing and that is what I am going to do. Until next time, stay safe out there.