Well this week has been a busy couple days. Monday I was in Edmonton with a meeting with my editor. As of now Shadows and Dust is out of my hands as it is in the last part of the editing phase. It has been a long 9 months to get it to this point.
For Echoes of Yesterday I will be able to focus on it full time which is going to help me get it written and then typed into the computer. I am hoping that I can get it into the editing phase by the beginning of December. I have decide that I will not be using the Amazon KDP platform to publish it. So with that said I will be a couple years until I get it out which means that I will have plenty of time to edit it which where it is not a novel, it will need the extra time.
As for when next January comes I will be starting my the next novel which will not be turned into a series. So I am thinking that the page count will be in the 300's or more. I have a few names in mind for it however I am leaning on one and I will tell you all what the name will be when I start the novel.
If you have not started to check out The Author's Corner blog, take a moment and read one. It is something different where I am talking about a different subject every Sunday.
Stay safe.