As the week starts for me I have gotten my book back from the publisher after they read it through. They like the story and feel that it stays in the right path without jumping around all that much. This is the positive, for the things that I need to work on is date posts, and wording. So all in all it is a good review and I have some work to do on it before I give it back to the publisher.
Due to the news for The Fog of Time, I will be setting The Price of Coffee on hold until I get the editing done with The Fog of Time. As for The Price of Coffee I will be doing more work on it when I am ready to. I am looking at having it ready by the end of March for my editor.
With the work load that I have now, I will not be able to spend time reading as much. I will still get time to read but not as much as I want. Just so you all know I am reading Interview with the Vampire and I will have a blog about that book when I am done.
Other than that, stay safe out there.