To start with today, the past week I was able to get a chapter done for Shadows and Dust. It is taking longer than I had thought, but with writing, you never know what the characters will do or lead you to write.
Where I only have one project going on now, I will be able to focus fully on Shadows and Dust and get that ready for the first editing in September. The plan is to have it ready for publishing in 2024 which gives me some time to do a good job.
Once I am in the editing process for Shadows and Dust, I will be revisiting The Price of Coffee to get it written as I am planning to take a break from the An Individual's Innocence series to decide the path that I am going to go with it.
With the summer here I will be making the best of my time for writing and also watching the sunset during nice nights. There is nothing better than a prairie sunset in my opinion.
Anyway, stay safe.