Well to start this week off, I am continuing on the writing of Pages and it is coming along good for the most part. It is nice to be back at the creative side of writing for me as there is the world in which I created for my books to be written in.
For the work on Echoes of Yesterday, the Author's Corner essays, I will be looking at another 6 months I am hoping that I can get to the publishing end of things. First it will have to go through the editors before I do publish. I already have the cover ready for it, so all that is left for me to do is write an essay over two days. One day to write it and then the next to type it into the computer.
On other news, I will be having two book signings coming up. One in Lloydminster and the other in Edmonton in August. So things are getting into play for me and it is only the beginning for me.
Stay safe