To begin this week I am going to be working on Shadows and Dust as it has been almost 3 weeks since I worked on it. I will be doing another read through and then sending it to one of my other editors for her edit.
As of late I have taken and done some reading in the first book of the series, The Silent Screams. I can see how far I have come as an author and I know that with every day I am getting better. I know that I am no Stephen King as it will take me a few years to reach his level, however he is a different author from me. The one thing we have in common is a love for writing and that goes for all of the other authors around the world. We are sharing our art through word.
For Echoes of Yesterday, I will be putting it down until I am done with the work on Shadows and Dust. I am still on track as of now to be typing in Echoes of Yesterday in September. I am hoping that I can get it edited first by me by the end of the year before I send it to my editor in Saint John, NB, Canada. Then once I have the editing phase starts I will be putting the same attention to the work as I do with all my others. I am aiming for 9 months from when I finish the first edit to have it out which is a little longer than I before.
The reason for the extra time is because I will have Shadows and Dust being worked on and it will take presents over Echoes of Yesterday. As well in between edits on both books I will be working on a new novel that I am going to be calling Pages. I have a few notes written down already for that project so I am keeping myself busy.
Anyway that is it for this weeks update. Stay safe.