To start off today I am waiting on the publisher to get the front covers sent to me so I can decide which one I am going to go with. This means that Shadows and Dust might be out sooner than I think which will be good.
For Pages I am working on the second chapter this week as I have decided that I am going to take at least a year to write it. This way I can take my time with the writing process of the book and not rush through it. The aim is to be going to the publisher in two and a half years from this point. Depending on how long the editing takes.
With the essays for The Author's Corner I am still typing in the ones that I have written. For making them into a book, I am still undecided. If I do turn them into a book I will be taking the same path that I did for my poetry book.
Other than that it looks like the nice weather is here and the winter is on its way out.
Stay safe.