To start with today I have been busy working on the plot for the next book in the An Individual's Innocence series, Shadows and Dust. I feel that I have a good start on where I want to go with it and I have already started the first chapter. I will try to stick with the plot but I know that when you are writing sometimes the characters take control of the book. So, the plot is just a line that I will try to keep but if something comes out that I didn't plan for or it is better than what I thought I will use it.
With The Fog of Time, the publishing company has said that they are working on the cover now and it will be about a week or two before they have it ready. Hopefully, they have a couple to choose from and as well I am looking forward to seeing what they have show me. If it is anything like the first book, I know it will be good.
I will be working all this week on the new book and I know that I should be done with chapter one by that time. I am not going to rush through this book as I don't have a publisher breathing down my neck for it. The one thing I like about self-publishing and when it comes to self-publishing is if any of you are writing a book, do your reach on the companies that are out there because some are good and some are not so good. I spent almost 2 years until I found mine. The key thing is that you are going to pay for the things you want for your project.
So, for all of you, stay safe.