Today I would like to say that for all of those Canadian's who have served our country in the military Thank you for what you all do. This is not just for Canadians, it goes for every country in my mind.
With the writing, I am still working on a seen in chapter 13 that is causing me some problems. As I have three or four ways I want to go with it. The goal is to still have the book ready for editing starting in January. Once I start doing the editing I will be using most of next year doing that as I know that the book is going to be a good size. I have been writing this book to show that someone who has mental illness is able to have a relationship with others and the challenges that come up throughout his life. I will let you all know that it is starting ten years that Charles, from the first An Individual's Innocence book, was diagnosed with Schizophrenia and how those ten years of recovery has been.
I am looking forward to when I get to the editing and as for me, I am doing well as I am working on my career as an author. I have had some days when I have asked myself why I am writing this series and I always come back to the fact that it is to help people. Hopefully I can show the human side of mental illness. Other than that I hope you all have a great day and I will be posting next Tuesday.
Another thing, I have started the last book in the Dark Tower series. So, I will have my thoughts on the series for you all to read.