To start today off, my book signing in Saskatoon at Midtown Plaza on Saturday went well and I have been invited back to do more signings. I still have one more signing in Saskatoon on Saturday the 28th of this month, then I will be done my summer book tour. I will be setting up my spring book tour in the new year.
For Pages, I am at the one third point and I will be stopping where I am at the writing part to type in this first part of the book. This way I will be able to pause with the creative part of the work and it will help me when it comes to telling the next parts of the book. So I am ahead of where I thought I was and time wise I am where I figured I would be.
With Echoes of Yesterday I have been busy writing new essays as well. I am looking forward when I have that book ready for editing as it will be the next book to be in the publishing process.
When it comes to Voices of Reason Volume 2, I am typing in some of the poems, however I have not put many hours into it as of now which will be changing.
Stay safe.