The edge, how many of us live close to it? A better question is what is your thoughts on the edge of life? So many people forget how to stop when we are at the edge and fall over. Some pick themselves up and others continue to fall.
The edge to me is where comfort ends and stepping out into the abyss of the unknown. With every book I write, I step out of the comfort zone and put on a brave face. As with anything we do in life, stepping out of that zone is a step in the right direction. Do you have the will to do it is the next question.
With every step we make there is always going to be a challenge which meets us. That challenge is the edge. How you go at dealing with it is totally up to you. As well it is on your time which means that if it takes you a year to over come that challenge, that is fine.
Everyone in one way or another is living on the edge of their life. As another day passes so does that line in the sand. In this time that we are in, there are things happening all over the world. As a single person we have a voice, however a single person can start something that changes society for the better.
As an author, I have a voice that is to be either positive or negative. For that it comes down to the person who is reading my work. When we are faced with the challenges that arise in our life we see the edge. The question is are you willing to take the step into the abyss?
Stay safe.