Did you wake up today? If you did, then there is no reason to complain because waking up today was not a promise. It is something that people take for granted that there is always a tomorrow. Until you have had a close call with death and normally that is what it takes for someone to change their view on life.
As with waking up everyday, I took it for granted until I almost died in 2005. Maybe I did die, and I have come back from the dead, something I know which happened during that January night before I woke up in a mental ward. It would be a few nights later when I woke up in my dream and saw a cross over my head with a well-dressed man in a white suit with his hand over my heart. I still to this day remember what he said to me. He gave me a choice of either continuing living in the physical world or to make the journey across into the spirit world. I am writing this now, so I think I took the living path.
When I woke the next morning, and I had the idea that would become the An Individual’s Innocence series. It would take another five years to start to write it. I woke up from a dream in a way and restarted my life. Where I was back in 2005 is only a memory now that I look back at when I am having my bad days. Yes, like everyone else I have bad days too.
Where the last few years for me since I have retired gone? I have published another two books and as of this time I am working on three more. In what you need to do is to live life for today and dream for your future by making goals that you can reach. The past cannot be changed but your future can be made into a draft that you tweak every day.
With that being said, you have to decide what direction you want to go. If you choose the past, it will control your life and the same is true for the future. At this moment in time, you can make your choice that will change your direction that you are on. I know from my own experience that living in the past will destroy any future you may have. It took a near death experience to wake me up to realize what I was doing was slowly taking me away from the goals and dreams I had. It is too bad that it would not sink in until February of 2010 when I found myself in hospital again.
Since my first time in hospital in Halifax on the mental ward, I have only been admitted twice and it was me who made the decision. In 2010 when I signed myself in and it would be the beginning of my recovery or maybe better put a wake-up call. I knew that I did not want to be hospitalized anymore, so I had to change my view on my illness and to set new goals to reach. It would be that stay when I got the push to write because I have this goal to break the stigma around mental health problems.
It would be September of 2020 when I had to take myself out of the work world because of my illness became an issue once again. If I would not have retired, I would most likely been admitted to hospital again. The first few months that followed I was lost like I have never been before. It took my mom to say that I should start writing again. It was that little push that got me back on track.
For today, I woke up this morning and that means I have time to write. Whatever it is that you do in the daily life, remember this simple fact and that is you woke up today.
Stay safe.