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The Author's Corner: The Fall

Picture yourself at a step cliff. You have a wind suit and at this moment you start to question why you are ready to jump. You feel ready...

April 17, 2024 Writing Update

As this week starts I have news that Shadows and Dust is about 2 weeks away from being released. So it is much sooner that I had thought....

The Author's Corner: Echoes

It is a quiet night as you are enjoying a drink and the present book you are reading. At this moment you are single and living in the...

April 10, 2024 Writing Update

Well as the week has started for me there is no new news for Shadows and Dust other than it could be out in the summer by the earliest....

Book review of Hunting Humanity by Al Normann

Where do I start with this book from a new author? With the story that Normann is telling here as it is set in the stone age time, begins...

The Author's Corner: Success

What is success to you? Is it the money and toys that it brings? Is it living your dream? To answer that question comes down to what you...

April 4, 2024 Writing Update

Sorry I am just a day late, another busy week. I will have to set an alarm for Wednesdays. Anyway, Shadows and Dust should be out in...

Book Review of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Well, it took me longer to read this short book than it should have. So let me get into it. Bradbury starts the book off with a world...

The Author's Corner: Stressed

We all suffer from some form of stress in our lives. This one thing leads to how we deal with it instead of looking at what is causing...

March 27, 2024 Writing Update

To start with today, Shadows and Dust is moving in the right direction and it maybe out for the middle of summer if the speed stays the...

The Author's Corner: Pieces

As we look at our lives we can see that it is like a giant puzzle. Each picture that we complete has come together through the smallest...

March 20, 2024 Writing Update

To start off today I have seen the cover of Shadows and Dust and approved it. Now I have one more read through of it and then it will be...

The Author's Corner: Love

What is love? Some say that is an easy question to answer, however it is not. Love can be a feeling towards your mate which in itself is...

March 13, 2024 Writing Update

To start off today I am waiting on the publisher to get the front covers sent to me so I can decide which one I am going to go with. ...

The Author's Corner: Dreamer

Well, we all have that friend that has their head in the clouds. I know in my friend group that one is me as my mind is always in a...

March 6, 2024 Writing Update

To start with today, for the last few days I have been busy doing the edits on Shadows and Dust that the publisher has suggested. Once I...

The Author's Corner: Apparitions

The meaning of an apparition is an vision of a ghost or phantom. As for another meaning, the act of appearing or being visible. Two...

February 28, 2024 Writing Update

To start with today, Shadows and Dust is moving along good with the publishing path and I am looking forward to when it is released. The...

The Author's Corner: Coffee Break

For most people that first coffee break sets the day, no matter which shift you are on as it is the one we all look forward to. Most of...

February 22, 2024 Writing Update

First I have to say that I was busy all day yesterday and forgot to do this. So, sorry all. Anyway, I have been working on the new novel...

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